
What Is The First Step In The Writing Process

The First Step in the Writing Process is Prewriting

I have a very long pre-writing process where I'm jotting down ideas in a notebook and ripping out relevant newspaper articles — a long fact-finding mission. — Megan McCafferty

Courtney Corboy

What is prewriting?

Prewriting is where you find an idea for a project and write it down. This step is done before drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Prewriting is the thinking and organizing stage. Everyone can do this because it's taught in school. In elementary and middle school we learn to write webs and/or plans. In college, depending on the teacher, we have to write outlines. I use the word 'outline' loosely here. Prewriting outlines, to me, are ways to keep ideas clustered and in some sort of order.

What I learned about prewriting:

  1. Prewriting is the first step in the writing process.
  2. Prewriting is the idea — creating/organizing step of the writing process.
  3. Prewriting has no time limit, can occur over time/at any time.
  4. Keep a notebook/pen or use an app like Google Docs if you're not by your computer.
  5. There are many methods — brainstorming, webs, using flashcards, free writing, etc.

My Process as an Example

My prewriting p rocess is odd and unorganized. Each idea I have has their own unique "outline" and starting point. I free write breaking up my ideas into paragraphs. I write what comes to my mind. During this time I ignore grammar and spelling. It's easy to ignore knowing no one will see it.

When I prewrite, I write in a Word document. I don't write by hand because handwriting takes me forever, and I forget to look in the notebook. Plus, I was tired of leaving notebooks half, most of the time less, used. Using Word is simpler for me.

Snippet of my Ideas document, Source: Me

Sometimes I turn the idea into an outline and go from there. Once everything is ready to go, I move on and write the rough draft.


There is no one way to prewrite. Everyone has their own methods, so don't be afraid to try more than one. Mine is unorganized. Others may have an organized process.

What's your prewriting process?

Is it the same?


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What Is The First Step In The Writing Process


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